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Search Dashboard Design

Search Dashboard Design

UIDesignz, among  best UI UX design agency in LA, took and worked on a cool project from a UK client. The project showcases how UIDesignz handled a tricky challenge by making it easy for families to find good schools and nurseries. It explains step-by-step how they listened to what people needed, designed a website that's simple to use, and made it look awesome too.

Search Dashboard Design Cover Image


Luke Arthur


Dashboard Design


45 Days

Team Setup

2 Researcher + 3 Designer


The goal was to share our skills in making websites that will help people find what they're looking for, all while being easy on the eyes and simple to use. They wanted a special dashboard to help kids, students, and parents find good schools nearby. The client picked us because we're great at making easy-to-use designs for people, and we have an expert UI UX design service that can create designs that are easy to use.


  1. Figuring out what people want can be tough. UI UX designers need to listen carefully to what users need from a website or app, which might not always be easy to know.
  2. Creating something easy for everyone to use is a big challenge. Designers have to make sure buttons, menus, and information are clear and easy to find for everyone, from kids to adults.
  3. Putting all the information in the right place is like solving a puzzle. Designers need to arrange details about schools, colleges, and nurseries so people can find what they're looking for without feeling lost.
  4. Making things look good and work well together is tricky. Designers have to choose colors, fonts, and pictures that not only look nice but also help people understand and use the website easily.
  5. Even after creating a design, it's not over. Designers need to check if everything works as planned and ask people to try it out. Then they have to fix any problems and make it even better based on feedback.


  1. The UI UX designers listened carefully to what people wanted. They asked questions and studied how families search for schools and nurseries. This helped them to know what features to include in the app.
  2. They arranged all the information about schools and nurseries neatly. They made separate pages for each place with lots of details, like location, contacts, and what others thought about them.
  3. The designers made sure that everything on the app was easy to find and use. They used clear buttons, menus, and fonts that even kids and parents could understand easily.
  4. To make the app look good, they chose colors, fonts, and pictures that were not just pretty but also helped people use the app without any confusion.
  5. After making the app, they asked real people to try it out. They listened to what these people said and fixed anything that was not working perfectly. This made the app even better for everyone to use.
Find A Place to Learn Page Design
Schools Location Map
Search Dashboard Logo

Design Process

Our best UI agency faced challenges in creating an accessible platform for families seeking schools and nurseries. To address this, they did careful user research, understanding needs through people and their preferences. The focus remained on crafting a user-centric experience, leading to a well-structured website. 

They organized important details into separate pages, offering comprehensive information, including location, contacts, and user reviews, fostering informed decisions. This thorough approach extended to visual design, with a clean layout, clear navigation, and appealing visuals, ensuring simplicity while enhancing usability. App design testing and user feedback were most important, refining the app and achieving initial project expectations, showcasing their commitment to delivering a smooth and intuitive design experience for users seeking educational options.

Compatible School for your Child Page Design
User's Review Page Design


UIDesignz faced challenges in creating an accessible platform for families seeking schools and nurseries. To address this, they did careful user research, understanding needs through people and their preferences. The focus remained on crafting a user-centric experience, leading to a well-structured website. 

They organized important details into separate pages, offering comprehensive information, including location, contacts, and user reviews, fostering informed decisions. This thorough approach extended to visual design, with a clean layout, clear navigation, and appealing visuals, ensuring simplicity while enhancing usability. App design portfolio testing and user feedback were most important, refining the app and achieving initial project expectations, showcasing their commitment to delivering a smooth and intuitive design experience for users seeking educational options.

+ 60 %

Increased Efficiency

- 35 %

Reduced Workload

“UIDesignz did it with their dashboard. Finding schools and nurseries became a breeze with their user-friendly design. Easy navigation and clear details made the search effortless for families. Great job making our lives simpler. Thanks, UIDesignz”

Luke Arthur


Awards & Achievements

We’re proud of our achievements, and the remarkable results we create for our clients.

Uidesignz the webby award
Best UI UX Design
Firm 2023
Best ui design agency
Top Design Agency
Firm 2024
Uidesignz googlepartner award
Google Partner
Premier 2023
Uidesignz top website designer award
Top Website
Uidesignz expertise award
Best UI UX Design
Agency 2023
Uidesignz goodfirm award
Top App Design
Agency in USA
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